TIPS #1: Use the LIOBOX² as a Drum Machine in Ableton.

To begin, create a MIDI track and insert a Drum Rack. Activate the MIDI track input port for the LIOBOX² in the Ableton preferences. Select the LIOBOX² as the input source for the Drum Rack. Switch all LIOBOX²’s pads to custom Midi. And you're ready to play!

TIPS #2: Controlling LIOBOX with an External Footswitch

  • Connect a MIDI footswitch to the MIDI in port of the LIOBOX2.
  • Enable the MIDI in function for each pad.
  • Select a different MIDI note for each pad, corresponding to the footswitch you connected.
  • Activate the general MIDI IN in the main menu.
  • You can now control the LIOBOX pads via an external footswitch or an external pad like an SPD.

**Bonus Tip**: You can assign the footswitch to bank 2 of the LIOBOX, allowing you to control 8 different functions simultaneously!

TIPS #3: Controlling Your Autotunes!

  • Using the LIOBOX2 in combination with the UA-MIDI software, you can control your autotune bypass and preset changes.
  • Set one of your pads to CUSTOM MIDI mode.
  • Select a note, a channel, and a value.
  • Assign this note to the autotune bypass in the UA-MIDI software.
  • In MIDI MARKER mode, you can create a setlist. Then, assign each marker to a preset in UA-MIDI.
  • This way, you can load an autotune preset live through the UA-MIDI software.